Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Personal computer security

Throughout this module I have learn a great deal of protection scamming and many other types of viruses work on the computer system. I can remember going back to when I was younger and going on game sites and music video sites and having the website ask me all the time you need this in order for something to work something along the lines of that. How I was able to remember so quickly was in one of the video lectures showing how viruses and some sites have "fake" security protection and would easily trick a non familiar person that doesn't know about security and scamming of that nature. The video showed in the computer option on all computers how it was running a fake security scan and that reminded me of a time when I younger and did something like that as well. People should really have a better understand of these potential threats, because most people think oh hey I need this because the site is telling me I do, when in fake that is not true on all terms. Also the big thing I think take as a false hope is there email and it being linked with spam. We have so much spam that spam will never end. Here is a information video on a little background of what spam is and what you should and shouldn't do with spam. But everyone need to understand technology has came a long way and there are even more things to watch out for then just spam now. The other viruses or threat to be on alert for would be spyware, malware, worms, and I believe to be the worse of all Trojan Horses. The new term that I learned is called your computer being ZOMBIE?? I've never heard of this before but now that I know I hope this never happens to me or anyone of that matter! So when your computer becomes a zombie its frozen or anything like that what in fact happens is a hacker secretly  takes control of your computer without the actual user knowing it. The hacker is able to make easy short cuts back into the computer and allowing the hacker to take any information they want.     http://computer.howstuffworks.com/hacker.htm/printable
The youtube video provide is what back up what I am calming in my short discussing above.

This is not my own computer this is our family desktop and AVG is the security system on this computer. I preferably use windows essentials, its a free windows program and it never ask you to buy anything, that is what I like about it the most it does what its suppose to and work very good!

Here is a little tutorial on how to do a system restore on a Gateway Desktop.

This module has taught me a lot about how people are easily scammed or tricked into getting something that is told they need when in fact they don't. People really need to watch very carefully what it is they think is the right thing to do.

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