Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How Does Computer Security Affect You?

three digital elements that have affected me or even another person or even society  its self.

1) Digital Communication- has come a far way in the many years, some people could say that its taking over the world and people as we know it. I would say since growing up with all this technology it really would affect me if not any or at all. The only problem I get would be the phone calls from these people that pass around my number, even though I'm on a do not call list and it got very annoying one year where I was getting forty to seventy calls a day. My answer to all of them would be I am on a do not call list, if you keep calling me I will have someone from New York State to track you down and file a law suite on you, Threatening these people was the only way to get them to stop calling me. Today I only get one call every so often. Communication has come a very long way to the point where it has left the people from the mid 90's with many question and the best way they understand is people they have grew up with the technology and understand it very well.

2) Digital Commerce- Purchasing and marketing on the Internet has come a far way, but it also has made it for people to find thing for free or cheaper. When it come to buying and selling things on the Internet if someone is going to buy some music there not going to want to pay for it there going to find any way possible to get it for free. The biggest thing people have to realize is everything on the Internet is not always the safes, there a tons of hackers out there looking to steal peoples information. In fact that what recently happened to me with target millions of people got there information stolen from hackers and it affected not only buyers from going back to shop there but target its self because now people think twice before shopping again.

3) Digital Security (Self-Protection)- Everyone has to understand that anyone that knows how to steal information will do anything it takes to have it if your security is slipping up. People that do hacking for a living know what it takes to steal the general public information and they can easily find any little hole we leave for them to slip in and steal the information and use it without you even knowing till your notified even then you could not know for more than a couple of days. The best way to keep your information safe is to update everything you have and keep it safe.

When it comes to Facebook and employers people should use common sense when it come to the job there in and what they post or publish on Facebook. There is almost any way to find an employer on Facebook one way or another, people think if you make everything private you can never see them well that's very wrong from the get go. The only way you can make sure your job cant find you is to block them. The thing people need to understand is just don't post random dumb things on your Facebook because the job you work for can look and see your smoking, partying, drinking, all of the thing they look for to fire you. In the class reading of "Employers, Get Outta My Facebook" (http://www.businessweek.com/debateroom/archives/2008/03/employers_get_outta_my_facebook.html)
They also say the similar statement as I do such as "But the bottom line is that a public Facebook page is just that: public. People are responsible for what they post. It’s unreasonable to make personal information available to the whole world and not expect employers to look at it." Basically what they are saying is if your going to make Facebook public dont expect someone your trying to get a job for go look through it so they know who there really are trying to employ.